CallingONE - The flexible Cloud SBC

All providers, All devices, All possibilities

CallingONE - Your SBC for Microsoft Teams Phone

Empower your communication with CallingONE - our Session Border Controller, seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Teams and more

CallingONE offers you a hosted Session Border Controller with flexibility and exceptional quality. Our service encompasses the deployment of SBC software in the Microsoft Azure Cloud, complete with ongoing updates and maintenance of a highly redundant system. Whether you’re using Microsoft Teams Phone, integrating it with a traditional phone system, or utilizing conventional analog terminals, we don’t bind you to a specific plan or phone provider. The choice is yours in selecting your provider and configuring how you want to harness our SBC’s capabilities. Virtually anything is achievable. We produce our service in a multi-redundant cluster located in the Microsoft Azure Datacenter in West Germany, employing top-tier resources to ensure maximum availability. Our patch and update cycle is meticulously designed to ensure uninterrupted telephony service. Thus, you benefit from peak performance at all times. In contrast to other solutions on the market, we prioritize technically sound and reliable service, placing a premium on quality. Our licensing options come in two transparent variants, ensuring no hidden costs.

What is a Session Border Controller (SBC)?

A Session Border Controller acts as the crucial link connecting your chosen telephone provider(s) with systems such as Microsoft Teams Phone System, telephone systems, and traditional endpoints, forming a unified communication platform. This intermediary enables the creation of modern telecommunications environments and equips your employees with an ideal workspace. Particularly when used in conjunction with Microsoft Teams Phone, you consolidate all your corporate communications into a single application.

What is CallingONE?

CallingONE is an all-in-one SBC, delivered as a ready-to-use service. No need to invest in your own infrastructure or SBC software. All services are fully inclusive in the monthly rental price of €19.90 per session (voice channel). Additionally, our PSTN gateway and registrar server are integral components of CallingONE. The PSTN gateway facilitates connections to virtually any SIP provider, allowing you to switch your phone provider as needed. The registrar server enables the registration of external PBX systems and endpoints via SIP interface in CallingONE, ensuring you can continue using your traditional telephony devices alongside Microsoft Teams Phone. To offer the utmost flexibility, we provide licensing options in Standard or Registrar Session, allowing you to rent internal and external voice channels independently according to your requirements.

Price: €19.90 per session (voice channel) per month

available from 4 sessions onwards

of our solution, CallingONE

Maximum Freedom

Enhanced Flexibility

Highest Security

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