Change Management

Our Modular Service Approach for Your Needs

Change Management for Digital Enterprises

This is How you can make the Digital Transformation of Your Business a Success

The implementation of new software – whether Microsoft 365 or something completely different – poses many challenges.
From finding the right solutions to the acceptance of the system by users, there are many questions to be answered. One thing “New” always means:
Change. The effects of changes are often underestimated, because they are diverse and usually unpredictable, making their planning and implementation difficult.

However, one thing can be said: Regardless of the type of change, it always takes place in the same place in an organization: among people. What many projects lack is the involvement and participation of employees and, above all, making it possible for them to help shape the project. This often leads to frustration or tension in the workforce. User acceptance is a critical factor in the introduction of new software, working methods or methods. The higher the acceptance, the higher the return on investment. Our change management approach influences the willingness of your employees to change through individual measures and continuously promotes a project-promoting attitude.
To this end, we provide impetus to all parties involved at the necessary place in order to receive commitment and initiative in return.

We define responsibilities, analyze target groups and integrate them into our project – from motivated change drivers to those who have reservations. The inclusion of your entire organization strengthens the “we feeling” and drives innovation faster.

Adoption Services for New Technologies
Our service consists of the various success factors and phases of successful implementation. With our adoption service, you can lay the foundation for a good start and the sustainable success of the new technologies in your company.
Software-Independent Consulting

Software-Independent Consulting
Regardless of whether it is the implementation of Microsoft 365, process automation or the change to a modern digital culture, our service is completely software-independent and supports your employees accurately.

Lean Change
Change must be actively shaped. The lean change approach makes it possible for us to react step by step, but continuously and flexibly to the effects of a change. It is crucial to gain feedback and integrate it into the change process to involve employees.
Individual Modular System
Depending on your needs, we will work with you to create a service tailored to your needs – depending on which phase of implementation you are currently in and which change management modules your company and, above all, your employees need.
The challenge of digitization in companies is not technology,

but the acceptance of the workforce.


The different phases


The requirements of the project are recorded in this phase. The analysis of your organization is in the foreground. These include kick-off events, determining the degree of maturity for the change, stakeholder identification and the development of the project vision. In short: together, we determine the framework for change and your personal goal. We identify any measures that are necessary during the project.


In this phase, the measures derived from the Envision phase are implemented. The goal of this phase is to successfully support implementation, so that difficulties are minimized and project success is maximized. Among other things, we offer individually tailored training programs, workshops, communication plans and key user days in this phase.

Drive Value

The drive value phase is carried out hand in hand with the onboard phase. It serves to continuously check the success of the measures derived in the Envision phase and implemented in the onboard phase as well as to adapt them if necessary. Among other things, we measure the degree of willingness to change, deal with moods and attitudes, and collect feedback. We continuously improve our service using scalable measures and the evaluation of the collected data.