Social Intranet: redesign connectivity

Company-wide communication thanks to modern technologies

Social Intranet of the Future

Connecting employees & strengthening collaboration across departments

Home office work and the resulting physical separation of teams has transformed employees’ expectations for required digital collaboration. New digital ways of working need to be found and implemented sensibly in order to drive company-wide productivity and ensure your employees’ satisfaction. It’s time to act and unite your workforce in one digital workplace! A modern social intranet.

An accepted social intranet improves communication and unites the entire company. Create a digital home in times of remote work and benefit from modern tools and services that sustainably increase employee engagement and improve your employees’ experience. With Microsoft 365 or open-source platforms like Piipe, you can transform teamwork and communication among your staff today and benefit in the future, wherever your employees are. Integrating your intranet in Microsoft Teams makes communication among colleagues even easier from a centralized platform – simply by clicking a button in Teams.

We will accompany you on the path of digital transformation and not leave any humans behind. They are the most important resource after all! Together with you, we will find technologies that you need for your individual requirement and support you and your staff throughout the entire transition.

Increase productivity
through transparent
knowledge transfer
Creating a community and enhancing employee experience
Encourage interdepartmental communication
The intranet as the basis
of modern
business processes

Raise teamwork to a new level

Rely on Microsoft Teams – your tool for simple and modern communication and collaboration. Create new dimensions of collaboration by connecting people, data and tools for greater productivity.

Create the basis for fundamental change

New technologies are great, but what to do if these are not used the right way or not at all?
Create an approach with the right change management for the needed acceptance on the side of your staff to overcome the challenge of digitalization!

Shaping our digital home together.

Easy Community Maintenance

By means of Viva Engage, you can create a new experience for employees and empower communities by involving your employees in an even smarter way and interconnecting them by just one click. New networks form the basis for interaction and thus increase the cross-departmental productivity of the entire workforce.

Clever Community Management

Communities generate dedication and support developments. However, they do not flourish on their own and quickly fall asleep again without smart community management. The involvement of employees as well as the active management and maintenance of the virtual community are all the more important for it to unfold its full power.

Sparking a new Spirit with an Ideas Platform

By means of Viima, the all-in-one innovation platform, you can create a place where communities gather ideas company-wide, share them with each other, prioritize and develop them into real results in the end. This turns theoretical ideas of your staff into real innovations from which the whole company can profit.
