Nintex Automation

Automate, Modernize, and Improve Core Processes

Take Productivity to the Next Level

Simplify Tasks & Accelerate Processes


Nintex Automation Cloud is simple and easy to deploy with no additional infrastructure costs. The intuitive and browser-based drag-and-drop workflow designer makes it easy to map workflows. The no-code principle of the software ensures user-friendly operation according to the modular principle.

Workflow automation enables collaboration on a completely new level. Work goes effortlessly from person to person, from system to system, to the cloud and back – without bottlenecks or interruptions. Transform paper-based, manual tasks into challenging digital processes that drive your business forward.
Improved Time Management
Eliminate paperwork, accelerate digital transformation, and maximize productivity by automating virtually any business process. This saves your employees time for relevant tasks, and you also benefit from lower processing costs and IT effort.
Real-time Process Analysis
Create a culture of continuous process improvement by monitoring workflow performance and gaining data-driven insights. Get relevant and updated key figures at the touch of a button, giving you end-to-end access to your business performance.
Nintex Premier Partner