Nintex Process Manager

The Business Process Mapping Software for Lived Processes

Digital Process Management

Increased Visibility and Control over Your Business Processes

The interface can be designed according to individual needs. All relevant processes are clearly and centrally summarized in one place. Users can directly approve, change or give feedback depending on their role in the process.
Integrated Lean Management

Lean management is easy to implement with Nintex Process Manager. “Lean tags” help users identify unnecessary or inefficient process steps and consequently contribute to a higher return on investment (ROI).


Nintex Process Manager is a tool that meets many of the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and thus provides a good basis for a certified and sustainable quality management system.

Integrated Risk Management

Risks are defined, processes are allocated, and measures and responsibilities are defined. As a result, Nintex Process Manager provides a quick overview of the risks, prevention and procedure.

Nintex Premier Partner